Uniforms, badges and etiquette

Surrey Wing ATC on parade at Guildford Cathedral, February 2019 with the Lord-Lieutenant and Wing Commander John Machin inspecting cadets.

When representing HM The King and on certain other official occasions, the Lord–Lieutenant of Surrey and his deputies (DLs), male or female, may wear a military-style navy blue uniform (Number 1 Dress Ceremonial).  In addition, a sword may be worn; this was presented to the Surrey Lieutenancy by The Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment in 2022.

Uniform will be expected to be worn for all ceremonial occasions connected with the Armed Forces.  Officers who held Naval, Military or Air Force rank of Colonel or equivalent rank, or above, may wear the appropriate Naval, Military or Air Force uniform appropriate to their rank on retirement in lieu of the Lieutenancy uniform.

The uniform is shown in the picture.  Note that white soft gloves are worn and a crimson sash is worn round the waist, hanging on the left side.  The wearing of a brown sam browne belt is now not permitted.  Females may wear uniform skirt or trousers.

Guidance on the wearing of uniform, the carriage of the sword and saluting can be obtained from Colonel Patrick Crowley MBE DL.

The Lieutenancy badge

Deputy Lieutenants wear this badge when formally representing the Lord-Lieutenant.

The enamelled badge depicts the Tudor rose surmounted by a crown, suspended on a ribbon or court bow of the Lieutenancy colour.

Protocol and precedence

The Lord-Lieutenant is His Majesty The King’s representative in the county. Issues relating to protocol and precedence can be clarified by consultation with the Deputy Clerk to the Lieutenancy (caroline.breckell@surreycc.gov.uk) or 020 8541 9127.

How to address the Lord-Lieutenant

In writing: Mr Michael More-Molyneux, His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Surrey.
Salutation: Dear Lord-Lieutenant, or Dear Mr More-Molyneux. 
In a speech preamble: My Lord-Lieutenant. 
Conversation (on formal occasions): Lord-Lieutenant, or Mr More-Molyneux.