23rd July 2020 | News in your area


GASP Motor Project update.

Many schools were unable to continue their sessions with GASP by the middle of March. When schools closed for most pupils on the 20th March, GASP remained open for those who could still go to school – the vulnerable children and those with parents who are key workers – but the schools, understandably, were unable to continue to use their services.
The lockdown needed to combat the virus has dramatically increased the social and economic pressures on society and has disrupted the education of children. It is almost certain that there are more young people than ever before who would benefit from the increased self-confidence, learn team working skills and a better approach to learning that GASP sessions have developed in so many over the years.

GASP is preparing to meet this challenge. They are preparing our workshops to comply with all safety, health and hygiene requirements and are developing more focused curricula to take into account the needs of today. GASP staff and volunteers are “rarin to go”. Importantly, funders who have so generously supported GASP in the past, recognize the financial constraints they face and have indicated their continuing support.

The GASP COVID recovery team is assessing how they can best develop and deliver programmes against a background of some 10,000 young people in Surrey reaching the end of Year 11 of their education with employment and apprenticeships opportunities much reduced. For some, behavioural and mental health issues will have been exacerbated by lockdown.
Safe operating procedures are being introduced, their workshop and equipment upgraded and the Personal Protective Equipment required to operate in a COVID environment is being sourced.
They are consulting with schools, councils, other organizations, young people and parents to understand their needs and how GASP can help meet them. Their courses will be improved with flexible curricula to meet the differing requirements of schools and their pupils and to offer AQAs or ABC accreditation to enhance students’ employment prospects.

 GASP’s success is due to the commitment, skill and understanding of their staff and volunteers. They work enthusiastically and tirelessly with sometimes challenging and difficult young people encouraging them to learn new skills, self-esteem and to develop confidence in themselves. The GASP team and the young people who learn so much from GASP’s staff and volunteers, owe them an enormous debt of gratitude. Without them GASP would not have its record of success and positive outcomes and society would be that much poorer. Special thanks go to Ron Enticott who will be retiring shortly as Treasurer and Company Secretary of the GASP Motor Project. He will complete some remaining current year reporting and kindly assist with the handover to a new Treasurer. 

The Board, Trustees and Advisers, CEO and staff are immensely grateful to Ron for all his hard work with this charity. He agreed to join the Board at a difficult time, supporting their operations with his professionalism and expertise after the sudden sad death of the previous Treasurer. As a respected member of the Board, he has worked tirelessly and enthusiastically in both roles, sharing his great experience and working knowledge gained with a range of other Surrey charities. All at GASP wish Ron well in his future.


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