4th May 2020 | News in your area

Surrey Youth Focus
Coronavirus Information – For the third sector
April 2020
Surrey Youth Focus is forwarding you this information on CoronaVirus from national and local sources. We are initially sending this new bulletin to all subscribers of our Funding, General and Safeguarding bulletins. If you do not wish to receive this then you can unsubscribe by clicking on the link at the end of the bulletin and choose your new options.
If you have any Covid related questions not answered in this bulletin please let us know info@surreyyouthfocus.org.uk and we will endeavour to find the information.
Surrey & National
Along with Jason Gaskell of Surrey Community Action, Cate Newnes-Smith is representing the third sector /VCFS on the “Vulnerability Cell”, a subgroup of the Local Resilience Forum which is coordinating Surrey’s response to Covid.
The key aims of this group are:
To work in partnership to maximise the use of community volunteers and public sector partners to support those vulnerable to Covid-19 and requiring to shield or self-isolate for an extended period, covering:
- Co-ordination of volunteers across the County
- Responding to the needs of those who are shielding or vulnerable as a consequence of Covid-19 and required to self-isolate for an extended period including communities such as the homeless, traveller community and specific cases where action is needed to provide support to individuals or family.
There are three categories:
Category A – SHIELDED – Government has identified a group of 1.5m people who are at particularly high risk due to their serious health conditions e.g. cancer. These people are being asked to remain inside to provide the necessary shielding for a period of at least 12 weeks. Further details here.
Category B – SELF-ISOLATING – there is a larger group of people who are at increased risk of severe illness for whom there is a need to be particularly stringent in following social distancing measures and to self isolate to protect themselves. These are over 70s, anyone instructed to get a flu jab as an adult each year on medical grounds and pregnant women.
Category C – VULNERABLE FOR NON-COVID REASONS – there are a number of vulnerable individuals who, while not at increased risk of severe illness, are at risk due to the restrictions that have been put in place through increased social isolation, worsening mental and physical health, increased domestic violence etc. These may include but not
• People with specific disabilities where social isolation exaggerate or worsen illnesses
• Those who need safeguarding such as children and vulnerable adults
• Traveller communities
• Financially vulnerable
Category A will be entitled to food packages delivered via Hubs that are being set up across the country – these will be “Ambient food” – so presumably tins, bread, etc. For people to register themselves as vulnerable to receive help this way (I don’t know what the vetting process is though, whether some will be rejected as not eligible): https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus-extremely-vulnerable if people not in category A need help with food, medicines, etc, that is being coordinated within Surrey. Please phone Surrey County Council helpline 0300 200 1008 or see: https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/people-and-community/emergencyplanning-and-community-safety/coronavirus/community-support/needhelp
If anything that isn’t working in Surrey related to vulnerable people receiving the food/prescriptions/other support that they need please
email Cate.newnes-smith@surreyyouthfocus.org.uk.
Surrey County Council’s Cabinet Paper – Covid 19
The Council has released its response to COVID 19. It’s particularly focused on
impacts on the council and financial implications but also talks about the VCFS and
providers in a number of sections.
Coronavirus Information
Information and advice about Coronavirus on the Surrey County Council website.
Surrey Information Point
Do you want to help during this time? Community helpline can direct you to services
that can help during the coronavirus pandemic. Call: 0300 200 1008 (Monday –
Friday, 9am to 5pm).
Mental Health Crisis Helpline
24 hour support for people in Surrey and NE Hants experiencing a mental health
crisis is 0800 915 4644
SEND Support
In an open letter to parents/carers, Surrey’s Director of Education, Liz Mills,
summarises current priorities, challenges in delivering normal support to families and
where to find information and advice. Read the letter.
ChatHealth Service
ChatHealth service for 11-19 year olds is being provided by the Surrey School of
Nursing Service.
Surrey Welfare Rights
There is updated advice on: benefit support for employees, including the Job
Retention Scheme, Benefit support for self-employed including the Self-Employed
Income Support Scheme and Re/claiming Child Benefit if earnings have reduced.
Early Years Guidance
Information on which children can access schools and Early Years provisions.
Childcare professionals update
A new page has been created for latest updates on Coronavirus for Early Years
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