10th December 2021 | Covid-19

Voluntary Support North Surrey received a Surrey Lieutenancy Certificate of Appreciation

Voluntary Support North Surrey received a Surrey Lieutenancy Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of the critical role the staff and volunteers have played during the pandemic in supporting the county, the district and local communities.

There are 5 local infrastructure organisations in Surrey,

Central Surrey Voluntary Action (covers Elmbridge, Mole Valley and Epsom & Ewell)

Tandridge Voluntary Action

Voluntary Action South West Surrey (covers Guildford & Waverley)

Voluntary Support North Surrey (covers Surrey Heath, Spelthorne and Runnymede)

Voluntary Action Reigate & Banstead

These are relatively small organisations (range from 2 FTE – 10 FTE and a small amount of regular volunteers that may support with odd tasks) and over the pandemic became key conduits for the councils (both county and Boroughs & Districtss) and health bodies to communities groups and residents.  They helped with a whole host of really important activity and responded in an agile way to adapt and plug any gaps that were needed.  For eg:

  • Setting up services where there were gaps, shopping services/prescription delivery etc
  • Supporting a massive volunteer programme – in March – April 2020 alone, they registered 10,000 volunteers through their volunteer centres and managed signposting to key areas of need
  • They supported with the management and oversight of the vaccination centres
  • They provided key community insights to information from the ground and supported Covid Mutual Groups

Each organisation and their volunteers played a critical role during the pandemic in supporting system partners and communities alike.  They remain an important infrastructure that supports a thriving third sector in Surrey.

After presenting the Certificate on behalf of the Lord- Lieutenant, Caroline Breckell MVO DL said ‘It has been an honour for me to represent the Lord- Lieutenant to present the Surrey Lieutenancy Certificate of Appreciation to Tandridge Voluntary Action in recognition of the critical role the staff and volunteers have played during the pandemic in supporting the county, the district and local communities.’


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