16th May 2018 | Royal Visits to Surrey

HRH The Earl of Wessex visited member schools in Weydon Multi Academy Trust to meet Duke of Edinburgh Award students

HRH The Earl of Wessex visited member schools within the Weydon Multi Academy Trust in south-west Surrey to meet Duke of Edinburgh’s Award students and those who support them. The Award scheme is recognised by all four schools as key to their students’ development and the Royal visitor was able to witness ‘The DofE Award in action’.

At Weydon School, there is a long and highly successful record of offering students the chance to gain Bronze and Silver level DofE awards. Each year over 200 young people get involved, including those with additional SEND needs. The Ridgeway School caters for students aged 2 to 19 with severe and complex learning difficulties. The school offers a small group of students the opportunity to gain the Bronze award. Farnham Heath End and Woolmer Hill Schools have been working under their own Award Licences for just over a year. While both have faced some challenges when setting up DofE, the hope is that the Earl’s visit will re-energise their resolve to develop a sustainable programme, allowing for significant future growth of DofE in these schools.


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