12th April 2020 | Covid-19

Surrey’s own Coronavirus Response Fund
To meet some of the urgent funding needs of community groups and charities assisting in the relief effort across our county, a Surrey Coronavirus Response Fund has been set up by the Community Foundation for Surrey. By 28th April, £1 million had been raised, with grants totalling £550,000 to support 120 vital organisations and projects across the county, Coronavirus update below.
The Orpheus Centre (above) received funding for the ongoing running of its centre, supporting young disabled adult students during the crisis. more…
Priority is being given to organisations providing support to the most vulnerable and isolated. Details on the funding available, the first grants and how to apply are available at: www.cfsurrey.org.uk
Coronavirus Update
The Orpheus Centre is an independent specialist college in Surrey which focuses on developing independence skills through performing and visual arts and make dramatic improvements to young disabled adults’ lives. They believe that every young disabled person should have the same opportunities as their non-disabled peers and offer a personalised study programme focusing on building independence, communication and social interaction skills through the arts, supported housing and a personal care service.
Here is a message from the CEO
“At Orpheus, we are committed to continuing to provide a safe place for our students and tenants during this difficult time. As of time of writing, we remain open, and are delivering care for those students who have chosen to remain. We are ensuring students that are not on site remain occupied and stimulated by delivering distance learning
Orpheus will need to be responsive and a little different for a while, but we will work our way through this together, as we already have been. Everyone – students, parents, volunteers and staff – are already doing a brilliant job and I am really grateful. Keep being creative: find ways to spark some joy – play a daft game, film activity, sing a random song together, share it online – let’s be the beacon of hope and light that Orpheus has always been.
Warmest wishes,
Rachel Black, CEO”
As a registered charity, Orpheus needs to raise £1mn per year to deliver the services their students deserve The current crises has resulted in an immediate loss of £80,000 as fundraising events have had to be cancelled, but the long term loss is likely to be higher. An emergency appeal has been launched and their supporters, including The Community Foundation for Surrey, The Borrows Trust and No Fear Bridge, have been swift to respond. https://www.orpheus.org.uk/donate/emergency/20/credit-card
The entire Orpheus community is taking advantage of the latest technology to keep together and enjoying dance lessons, music and mindfulness as well as fundraising with virtual quizzes and streaming the musical ‘Orpheus the Mythical’, The next quiz takes place Wednesday 8th April at the following link: https://facebook.com/events/s/the-big-quiz/260507571642729/?ti=icl
For further information please visit: https://www.orpheus.org.uk/
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